Test of Oral Made Easier

By Bolaji Muiz (Greenfield)
9th November, 2021

The English language sound system has been a major challenge to many teachers of English, many of which have disassociated test of oral from their teaching. With this single act, students do not show interest in learning the sounds, forgetting the fact that they need test of oral to boost their scores in their summative exams; they need it to be a fluent speaker and communicate with those from English speaking countries. 

We at Greenfield have taken it upon ourselves to simplify test of oral and make it the best for students. We started this journey ten years ago and schools and students couldn't help but ask for our presence having seen how easy and interesting the topics appear. 

At first, we would take our students through the organs of speech before talking about the English sounds and their parameters. It will be interesting to identify the organs involved in the production of these sounds as students become very confident of their sound production at this stage. 

You can't give what you don't have; you can only win it if you have the ideas and work on them. 

Contact us today to help you unravel the mystery in test of oral. You would always want us around you. 


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